Weblog Of The Gods

July 1, 2001

Introducing Godchecker

Greetings! This is not a tin of spam. This is nothing to do with double glazing or fitted kitchens. In fact this is the historic first mailout from www.godchecker.com, your online Guide to the Gods. You have received this message because either:

a) You have expressed an interest in GODCHECKER
b) You are a personal friend of the perpetrators
c) You have been specially chosen by the Gods.

So read on with ever-increasing confidence… if you dare.

God Of The Week

Give your favourite God a boost! Tell us your top God and, if your choice is in stock and the signs are propitious, your chosen God or Goddess will smile upon you and countless millions. Be the envy of your ungodly friends and see your name in lights!

This week’s God is APHRODITE, the Greek Goddess of chat room romance. There’s a rather nice picture of her. 🙂

The Godchecker Game

Come up trumps with the Hand of God! We introduce a totally new concept in playing card technology. No more hearts, clubs and spades – instead a suit of Gods from Egypt, India, Rome and Japan. Beautifully illustrated in full godly colour, these cards are 100% compatible with existing games. Enjoy a traditional bout of Godpoker, Godwhist or Godbridge… or try your hand at the devious Godchecker Game! Coming soon!

Godchecker FAQ (frequently avoided questions)

At last, a new approach for those who need answers. Enlightenment through the Internet is here! Forget Messiahs, Profits, Angels, Buffys and minor spirits who only get in the way. In today’s undependable world, you need a God you can rely on. Meet your perfect God online!

From Ancient Egyptian Sun Gods to Celtic Gods of Beer, we’ve got the lot! Who has the highest success rate? Only Godchecker has the answers.

And finally…

Godchecker comes from the forces of Chas Saunders and Peter A. There are currently 500 top Gods in the database, all striving to get out. Our screens are steaming, unearthly noises emanate from the terminals, and the (stone) graphics tablets are etching like mad. We have enough material for a bunch of books! Stay tuned as we update the site, cos things can only get better. Do stay with us. Join the High and Mighty, and spread the mighty word of GODCHECKER.

Feel free to contact us. You don’t have to use email. Write, phone, send scruffy messages by cleft stick or scratch them on clay tablets. Messages in bottles are particularly welcomed if retaining original ingredients. (We’re very fond of beer from Godcheckaslovakia.) All bribes cheerfully accepted.

Take care, and may the Gods smile upon you. 🙂