Exploding Gods

October 2, 2003

Visitors flock to godchecca, godscheker and gochecker…

The Gods are smiling upon us. We had a record number of visitors last month – and this month looks set to be our best ever.

Thanks to everyone who’s supported us, linked to us, supplied feedback or made a donation. We’re very grateful – and we’re working hard to make Godchecker better than ever. Stay tuned for a host of new features, coming soon!

We made an interesting discovery this week. A lot of people are trying to visit us with the wrong website address. Our stats are showing requests for GODCHECCA.COM, GODCHECKERS.COM, GODCHECK.COM and many other variations.

We’re not sure why this is. But please remember the name: WWW.GODCHECKER.COM. Quick, bookmark us in your favorites now before you forget!

One last thing. We’ve been making a lot of behind-the-scenes changes to the site. If something doesn’t work or looks weird in your browser, please tell us so we can fix it. We rely on your feedback to stay healthy.